The British government wants to animate with a great campaign, many overweight Brits to the Decrease in the Corona-crisis. In England alone, almost 63 percent of adults are obese, according to a report by the health authorities.

To many Kilos can promote many diseases. Also, the risk of death in a Covid-19-pulmonary disease is increasing according to research,. Scientists expected in the autumn with a second wave of Infection in the UK.

the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, wants to support the campaign with about ten million pounds (about eleven million euros), reported Saturday the newspaper “The Guardian”. So must be recorded, for example, bottles of wine and beer the calorie content of the beverage cans in the future. Advertising for Junk food in television is only of late allowed evening. The campaign will be announced on Monday.

“losing weight is one of the ways to minimize risk,” Johnson said recently during a visit to a hospital. The overweight head of government was himself suffering from Covid-19 and had been treated in April for a few days in an intensive care unit. He had taken off some of the pounds, reported Johnson.