girl, don’t take too much to like! Be vigilant! Take yourself seriously! Don’t believe that only pain and humiliation can bring you to your goal, to be a successful gymnast, sport gymnast or a figure skater. And most importantly: Talk about it, if someone teases you! Do not fear, have courage! Although this is easier said than done. But recently, a whole series of athletes has made of, for example, in the UK and Switzerland, their hearts air.
if you look closely, you will see: It’s always the same pattern of behavior. And anyone who thinks this would be overcome a long time, can take even the Netflix documentary “Athlete A,” which deals with the harrowing abuse scandal in American gymnastics. This Film could be a trigger for some young women, training of terror, abuse, insults, blows, skipped lesions, mind games, and food talk withdrawal than usual. They all deserve respect. It is not easy to stand against a System. But it is the Only thing that helps.
Recently, the figure skater Jessica Shuran Yu, who is a citizen of Singapore, but in China has trained a further alarming reason why athletes talk to someone inside it rarely, if your coach or your trainer, she insults, hits, or in the balancing act violently downward. She told the “Guardian”, in the aesthetic sports in which the fight can judge subjective impressions in their grading, incorporated, is the perfection of the scale. And that athletes who said that they were beaten, were this perfect picture of ruin.