The European Parliament demands Changes to the financial package, the EU heads of state and government meeting have heads on their four-day summit out. In the draft Resolution, supported by five political groups, are improvements in the linking of the payments with the rule of law in the first place. President of the Parliament, David Sassoli said on Wednesday in Brussels, the deputies claimed a voice in the control of the funds from the proposed reconstruction Fund. In addition, budget cuts would need to be corrected in the EU, the future of tasks, such as research and climate-related protection.

Thomas Gutschker

Political correspondent for the European Union, Nato and the Benelux countries, based in Brussels.

F. A. Z.

Werner Mussler

economic correspondent in Brussels.

F. A. Z.

The Parliament wants to have a debate today on the Resolution and vote, it is expected that a wide majority. It States, the Parliament decisions on the budget and will not rubber – stamp the decision of the heads of state and government easy. Specifically, the MEPs insist that financial sanctions against States are to be imposed with the systemic rule of law problems, if they can’t muster a qualified majority against it. Furthermore, it is stated in the Resolution, you will not approve the financial package, if it does not contain any more far-reaching Reform of the EU own resources system.

The heads of state and government had decided that the already adopted plastic dispensing should, in future, flow into the EU budget. In addition, they had asked the EU-Commission, other charges – a climate customs in the foreign environment Were harmful produced to examine a European digital expensive and the long – disputed tax on financial transactions-and, where appropriate, in the coming year to propose. The Parliament is pushing for a more concrete schedule.