not without a certain irony, that of all the calls on the foreign Minister, the power, the Power for a good three years of multilateral alliances to scorn, now for a “broad Alliance” against China. In principle, the intention of Mike Pompeos is, so much has contributed, especially the President, that China is today in a Position that allows him to not only neighboring States open challenge.

You will have to accept that in the short term, decreed the closure of the Chinese Consulate in Houston is mainly a choice of combat maneuvers of the embattled President, who is on the search for scapegoats in China find.

This is not to say, however, that in this context, raised the American allegations were false. It is, for example, is not just a new finding that diplomatic serve Outpost (also) as bases for espionage. So it would be a miracle if the Chinese Consulate in Houston would be an exception in this respect.

The question now is, what promises to Washington by the escalation, which means the closure of the Consulate certainly. The Chinese espionage activity will shift, but not stop. It is feared that China pays back in the same coin, and a diplomatic representation of the United States in the people’s Republic of includes.

the war of words will continue to>

<p class="atc-text paragraph" And then? The war of words between Beijing and Washington will continue. Just on the issues of the South China sea, Xinjiang, and Hong Kong, America, has the much better arguments. A Yield of China is not to be expected anyway.

When Washington followed but the goal is to move China to a moderation in its aggressive policy, this will not uncoordinated, audience, effective Gestures, and subsequent claims on other States to succeed. In order to achieve something, there should be, in fact, an Alliance of like-minded people. Washington’s partners would probably be willing to do so. Alone, you know this President never, when the draws for the next abrupt turn.