We want to talk about China and the Art of the levered brutal democracy in Hong Kong. The new safety law can even punish a foreigner. You do realize that you are no longer able to travel to this Interview, maybe to China?

Susanne Preuß

business correspondent in Stuttgart, Germany.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Leibinger-Kammüller: I don’t think would take it but in the time of purchase.


Leibinger-Kammüller: There is concern with the swings that it has consequences, when the organization of everyday life in China is spoken. And this is highly uncomfortable.

Can you talk with your employees in China?

Mayer: Sometimes, you already have a queasy feeling. De facto, we talk little about politics, but about the business. The topics are difficult enough.

What is difficult in the business in China?

Mayer: Technologically, China has rapidly caught up in the fields we serve, so in the case of sheet metal processing and the laser sources. As a result, we are now experiencing a tremendous price competition.

it Was a wrong decision, thus, active on the Chinese approach? The machine tool manufacturer JFY, Trumpf seven years ago, has bought, is today barely greater than it was then.

Leibinger-Kammüller: That was not a mistake. We earn money with JFY and also want to earn in the future money with JFY.

Have you learned something from the Chinese?

Leibinger-Kammüller: Yes. Especially the uncomplicated way in dealing with innovations. The willingness to consider a hundred things before you start.