The salaries of aged care workers is rising significantly and more than the salaries as a whole. The Germany-wide average of the charges in the care of the elderly has expected in the past year, on a full time basis, a monthly rate of 3032 Euro achieved. In comparison to the year 2018, an increase of 155 euros, or 5.4 percent, for 2015 an increase of 18.6 percent, this results in even. The show Overviews of a new “pay Atlas”, the Federal labour Agency on Tuesday released. It is an annual evaluation, the basis of which social insurance data for all insurable employment.

Dietrich Creutzburg

economic correspondent in Berlin.

F. A. Z.

The mean value for all industries and professions has therefore in the past year to 97 euros, or 2.9 percent, to 3401 Euro increases. In the longer period since 2015, the increase across all industries is 10.3 percent. As a result, the care of the elderly has not caught up with the General average, therefore, but it brings big shake-up. The analysis considered each of the so – called Median-the value that half of all considered single values or below it.

The average salary for geriatric nurse in the East was, according to the data most recently at 2707 Euro, in the West at 3120 Euro. In comparison with other countries of Baden-Württemberg was 3326 Euro at the top and Saxony-Anhalt with 2532 Euro at the lower end of the table. However, there is now the largest increases: increases to almost 35 percent since 2015.

competition for higher wages and worries

The Association of private care employers (BPA) turned out to be the industry-relevant results on Tuesday praised and appreciated you as evidence of effective competition in the face of staff shortages. “The competition provides for higher wages in the care of the elderly,” said the Association’s President, Rainer Brüderle. The policy must provide a response, such as a further increase in wages refinanced should be. The government coalition of the CDU and the SPD adopted a new statutory wage regulations for the care of the elderly, the aim is to ensure by 2020 for a stronger wage increase. It is still not known but the extent to which long-term care insurance should receive more money, more costs of care services and homes do not stay with their patients are hooked.