From the B-year C-year, Corona has become: Instead of Beethoven now. Over the years, the General staff planned the program of events of the BTHVN2020 Beethoven anniversary GmbH, in Westphalia, of the Federal government, the state of North-Rhine, the Rhein-Sieg-Kreis, and the birth city of Bonn as early as 2016, joined together, is mostly a waste of time.

Admittedly, not Too large, the content of expectations among musicians and professionals were not, rather, fears that the well-known, which would sound works anyway in the world to the most played count, ad nauseum. Tiring would that have been, and the revolutionary spirit of 250 years ago, born of the master counter.

That, for example, for the end of April the cycle continued with all nine symphonies and the German chamber Philharmonic Bremen, under the direction of Paavo Järvi in the Old Opera house was that now in July, not all five piano concertos with the Chamber Orchestra of Europe, and Jan Lisiecki at the Rheingau music Festival were heard and that there is now not the Anne-Sophie mutter to one hundred, the violin, the most Time will play a concert, it appears from the aesthetic knowledge here to get over.