The baden-württemberg government prohibits Full veils in schools in the state. The Council of Ministers had decided on Tuesday that it is for pupils not to be allowed to go with full-body veiling in the school, confirmed Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Green) in Stuttgart. For teachers, this applies already.

Even if such cases are not expected to need it, even for the rare cases of a statutory provision, said Kretschmann. In a free society you should not conceal at all full. At universities the situation is more complicated, therefore, we have adopted such a ban, first of all for schools.

Minister of culture Susanne Eisenmann (CDU) had announced in the beginning of February already, the Full face veil in schools in the country to ban. A court decision in Hamburg have demonstrated the need for a “legally water-tight control” to a ban in case of emergency, enforce, said at the time the Ministry of culture.

First, it was assumed that it was possible to ban the Full face veil by arrangement, because they constitute an “objective teaching barrier”. The basis for this legal opinion, a judgment of the Bavarian administrative court from the year 2014. Then a woman on the possibility of a full concealment of her daughter, a then-16-year-old professional student portfolio. complained in Hamburg 29. January 2020, the higher administrative court of Hamburg ruled that the Full face veil in schools, will need to in addition have a legal basis. This has now been created.

“schools are places of interaction and encounter. The teaching there is based on open communication, which is expressed in facial Expressions. Teachers and students need to be able to in the literal sense in the face look,“ said Eisenmann, the F. A. Z. on Tuesday. A Full face veil prevent this open communication. “That’s why I reject it decided that in our schools Niqabs and Burkas to be worn.” With the Amendment of the school law of Baden-Württemberg was “looking ahead and clear”, to remove legal Interpretation. “We will not tolerate any Face coverings in our schools.”

The baden-württemberg Greens had criticised the push iron man as a sham debate. The CDU politician is the top candidate of the CDU in the state election early next year. In the Corona-crisis, they tried to distinguish themselves by asking for stricter measures to curb the pandemic.