Despite the barrage of bad news from companies that mine in the Corona of a crisis on a larger scale Provide wants to removal the majority of German companies without a job due to the crisis to come. Only about every tenth firm has to reduce its number of employees due to the pandemic. The a of may to June, carried out (non-representative) survey by the consulting firm Willis, Towers Watson, for the data of 15,000 companies, including 330 in Germany, were evaluated revealed. Far setting stops are widely used, however. Around 80 per cent of the surveyed German companies have arranged because of the crisis, a hiring freeze.

Tillmann Neuscheler

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z. Twitter

in Order to save money, have increases in many German companies, their Budgets for salary cut this year. At the beginning of the year, German employers had budgeted increases according to the counting of 3 percent of salary, now they have reduced the budget to 2.7 percent. Almost a fifth of the German company plans with a zero round. The most frequently zero rounds in the retail sector are planned to be in the media industry, the gastronomy and the automotive industry; at least from zero rounds of insurance companies, banks and care services are affected accordingly.

For the coming year, the prospects are more optimistic. So far, the German companies are planning for 2021, with salary increases of 2.9 percent and almost to pre-crisis levels. However, there is likely to be in above average in many companies, a second zero round. The proportion of companies planning for next year a zero-round, is 12 percent anyway, still four times as high as in the period prior to the Corona-crisis.