anyone Who is interested in cars and the stock exchange, which is since a couple of weeks dizzy. The courses of Tesla, Nikola, and Nio stand by like a rocket, some days the roller coaster rides. All have in common that they have become detached from the ordinary assessment criteria. Tesla, clearly, the electric car manufacturer with the biggest Coolness factor, you know. But who is Nikola and Nio are?

Holger Appel

editor in the business, responsible for the “technology and Motor”.

F. A. Z.

Earlier, it is worthwhile to look at a decision by Daimler. Stuttgart, namely, the end of the year your fuel cell car. After only two years. The Mercedes-Benz GLC F-Cell will be the “world’s small number of the hydrogen tank, but also the high technology costs of” undoing, as Daimler has announced. What is to stop the group, “in the next 20 years, up to 2039, a completely CO2-neutral Car fleet of new Cars” to offer. “It is clear, however, that most of The markets of the world offer the conditions for the use of purely electrically powered mobility. Therefore, for Daimler to keep the Portfolio in Balance.“ To electrified internal combustion engines, 48-Volt, Plug-in Hybrids and fully electric models hot:.

the battery of the fuel cell with respect to a large-volume market is superior to introduction. You can hear it also from other houses, such as Ford and Volkswagen, of all places, it means that fuel cell and hydrogen in passenger cars in the medium term, no Chance. To the size of the court is necessary, to thin the filling station network, and the development of various modes of propulsion engineers, and Budgets too much. Since the policy has prescribed the electric car, the focus here is the development work. Only Toyota, Honda and Hyundai to keep her brave Loyalty, and come to the homeopathic registration numbers for their models Mirai, Clarity and Nexo.

However, there are some who believe in hydrogen in commercial vehicles, and so around Tesla’s electric truck dreams want to compete. For Example, Nikola. The Americans insist so far, only promise not to interfere with the fan club, apparently. Just like the Nio, although the Chinese have been traded recently, as a broke candidate, and only through the state billions in aid still be alive.


The Chinese Start-up Nio has two models in the program, the electric SUV, 6 and 8. Started Nio 2014 car with an electric super sports and swaggering booths at Chinese auto shows. Be produced the car from the state company JAC. The cars are relatively inexpensive, the seven-seat 8 costs the equivalent of around 60 000 Euro. A similarly large, but with more range-blessed Tesla Model X requires about 90 000 Euro. Nio tried, however, what the former SAP Executive Shai Agassi and his company Better Place has failed: To auto empty batteries can be swapped cars within minutes automatically against full.

Even bigger sensation Nikola energized, since by a financial construction on the 4. In June, a new listed company has arisen. Price fluctuations within a day in two-digit percent range are normal, the rating is higher than that of Ford or Fiat-Chrysler, although Nikola has still brought nothing durable on the road. But on the stock exchange the future is traded. And to be brilliant. Thanks To The Fuel Cell.