Wiesbaden-based lawsuit against the rejection of a wind farm on the Taunus ridge is similar to the much-cited Riding on a dead horse. It would appear, forever to descend, and to bury the animal worthy of. However, the to the Dakota Indians attributed to wisdom in the city hall of the capital, still no hearing. The action has primarily a symbolic character. The state capital, which was proclaimed some time ago, the climate state of emergency, fighting vigorously about the energy transition in the Region to advance and to make a contribution to climate protection. And if it should not work with the wind farm, but, then, especially the Green in the city government may claim to have tried everything.

This attempt will not be all the signs but after successfully. The “High roots” is not without reason, from the government Bureau under the leadership of a Green party politician as for wind turbines unsuitable discarded. Anyone who wants to partout such a set-up that deliberately takes a risk to drinking water in purchase and care little about the species and the protection of monuments. And on top of that, he’s fallen out with the neighbours, he is about at the city railway on close co-operation dependent.

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However, even if the court should reject the rejection and the approval process to restart, will turn for years to come, there are still no wind turbines. Not only because the opponent is likely to exploit the legal process, but because the wind power in the country is difficult to define as a whole. In the past 18 months are gone in the state of Hesse only 21 rotors were newly connected to the network; in 2015, it was still 75.

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the Expansion of wind energy use to such a high number of strokes, is not for the time being to be expected. Even if the state of Hesse with a new regulation should weight the types of protection are less strong than in the past, and a red kite alone, then no wind turbines, more stop can.