Although the number of traffic fatalities has dropped significantly in recent years, however, excessive speed remains a major reason for deaths in road traffic: 963 people died in 2019, in the case of accidents in which the police “at least one vehicle leading Person accused of inappropriate speed”, as the Federal Statistical office announced on Tuesday. This corresponds to almost one third of the total of 3046 traffic fatalities in the year 2019.

This total number is gone, according to the statisticians clearly back: Since 2010, they fell by nearly 17 percent. Also, the number of dead in the so-called speed accidents 2019 33 percent lower than in 2010. At the time, 1441 people have died in connection with excessive speed.

in Total were injured in the past year 53.687 people in speed-related accidents, 13.769 of them seriously, as the statisticians reported next. They pointed out that the maximum speed limit decisions on a route alone, Driving too fast – “among other things, in the case of special weather conditions such as rain or fog” could be too high. According to the Federal office, the police found in more than 41,000 cases of non-adapted speed in the event of accidents with damage to persons. Only 2130 Times the permissible maximum speed has been exceeded.