In the appeal from the judgment in the first trial to supposedly cancer-causing weed killer with the active ingredient glyphosate has been reduced the penalty for the Bayer group in America drastically. The competent court in San Francisco lowered the damage and punitive damages, the company must pay to the cancer victim, Dewayne Johnson, on Monday, out of the original 289 million to 20.5 million dollars (17.9 million euros). However, the condemnation has not been lifted by Bayer required.

Bayer welcomed the decision of the court of appeal, in an opinion as “a step in the right direction”. However, it is still of the view that the judgment is not in accordance with the process presented in evidence and the applicable law. The company will consider his appeal and will consider it, again, to appeal and bring the case before the Supreme Court of California. Bayer still stand by that it was the weed killer to a safe product.

The plaintiff Johnson, in the 2014 cancer of the lymph nodes was diagnosed, had made the weed killer Roundup of 2018, Bayer acquired U.S.-based seed producer Monsanto for his deadly Suffering is responsible for the group accused of the dangers concealed. A jury convicted Bayer in August of 2018 to pay damages in the hundreds of millions. The amount was subsequently lowered quickly to $ 78 million, but Bayer still went in appeal.