the Unknown kidnapped in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, according to the activist, the German curator and cultural mediator Hella Mewis. Security sources said that the woman had been abducted on Monday after Leaving her offices in the centre of the Iraqi capital by Unknown. It was, therefore, on your bike, on the road, as their two cars approached. After that, witnesses had observed how she had been taken out of the trucks. Police officers had followed the incident, but did not intervene.

Mewis was born in Berlin and lives since several years in Baghdad. She worked there on the construction of the cultural Institute Bait Tarkib, which aims to promote the work of young Iraqi artists. At times, she also worked for the Goethe-Institut. The men had kidnapped Mewis on Monday evening around 20 o’clock (local time) in the vicinity of the cultural center in the Central district of Abu Nuwas, wrote Al-Bajati on Twitter. The district is located close to the river Tigris.

Armed men have you brought in your violence, wrote Ali al-Bajati, member of Parliament-elected Commission on human rights, on Monday on Twitter. The German Embassy would not comment on the request to the AFP news Agency, initially, to the case. The cases of kidnappings of foreign nationals in Iraq have increased considerably this year.