Roman Catholic parishes must continue to be led by priests. Who have not received the priestly ordination, it is said in a on Monday to publish the instruction of the Vatican congregation for the clergy, “you can get, not even in the case of a shortage of priests, neither the title nor the corresponding functions”. Similarly, the lack of priests or money could be a reason to stroll Church building prof, – stated in the Text.

Daniel Decker

in the political editorial team responsible for “The present”.

F. A. Z.

however, the instruction does not want to ignore the constraints posed in countries such as France or Germany of the serious shortage of priests and the enormous cost of the upkeep of the Church buildings. Could deacons, consecrated persons, and lay himself (in this order) a “participation in the pastoral care of the parish entrusted to be”, especially in a merger of parishes or a “pastoral space” of a single priest is entrusted.

This participation find its expression in the Celebration of prayer services, Ministers of baptism, the Eheassistenz, the funeral or the sermon outside of a Eucharistic celebration, however, always “under the direction and responsibility of the pastor”. The formation of management teams, such as, for example, in the dioceses of Osnabrück and Magdeburg, the Vatican for not legally.