The chemical industry in Germany could reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by mid-century to almost zero. At least that’s the result of a study presented by the industry Association VCI in the past fall. To operate the part of giant plants with Gas, coal or Oil, but electricity, however, would not only require a signicant investment. Above all, it should be according to the VCI a lot more electricity from renewable energy sources.

Bernd Freytag

Economics reporter for the Rhein-Neckar-Saar, with its headquarters in Mainz.

F. A. Z.

appreciate The authors that the electricity demand of the chemical industry from the mid-2030s would fold to 628 terawatt hours more than tenfold. That would be more than the entire electricity production in Germany in the year 2018 and approximately three times that of today produced green electricity. The example shows: Even without the desired Expansion of electric mobility huge amounts of lack of “green” power. But the hoped-for Decarbonization of industrial production will remain a pipe dream.

In hymen’s village, a small lake between Bremerhaven and Cuxhaven, starts swimming, the energy-Württemberg (ENBW) is a further attempt to fix this Problem. In fact, it is so far only a pilot project, and whether it will ever produce even close to the hoped-for amounts of power, it is not yet clear. But it’s a start: in the Middle of the lake, the energy group is building a floating wind Turbine. To be more precise: two wind turbines, a floating semi-submerged Foundation to be worn. “Nezzy2” is the name of it, because two wind wheels protrude obliquely from the base into the height. Although 18 meters high, is only a model at a scale of one to ten. Later, on the open sea, to the plants of almost 200 meters high.

you can extend up to 100 meters from the water

is no longer There, the surface of the water, but also ten meters from the ground, such as in a lake, but up to 100 meters. And that’s just it: The wind wheels, the turning part is in large wind parks on the sea, are all connected firmly with the ground. Up to a depth of 50 meters would be expected of such a “bottom-fixed” wind wheels yet, but after this it’ll due to the rising construction costs for the foundations uneconomic, says Klaus, of course, Drechsel, project Manager of ENBW. With the help of the floating plants, ENBW intends to tap into, in his words, new markets.

Anyway, very few countries had coastal strip, which were flat enough for fixed wind turbines. France, for example, wool, starting next year, the first auction for the construction of a wind Park with floating foundations. Also California, have announced such plans. Until the commercial operation it is expected to take, in his words, until 2026 or 2027.

Low installation and maintenance costs

ENBW is relatively jumped late on the train. In fact, there are already several pilot projects in the world, all of them, but they are still in the pilot phase, says Drechsel. Most Hywind”, a project with five wheels of the Norwegian energy company Equinor off the coast of Scotland is well advanced “. In April, the Norwegian petroleum and energy Ministry has approved the permit for a second larger Park in the North sea. Eleven wind turbines, each with eight megawatts of power to deliver to the Annoyance of environmentalists, of all people electricity for two Oil and gas Platforms.