Worldwide, the number of plants is dwindling – and animal species – for Europe, this seems to be the case not in General. The evaluation of 161 long-term series of measurements made by an international Team of scientists shows. Also involved are researchers from the Frankfurt Senckenberg Institute.

For the studies of 6200 species on Land and in water bodies in 21 European countries over time periods were observed from 15 to 91 years. As it turned out, has changed in large Parts of Central and southern Europe, neither the number of species nor of individuals. In Northern Europe, the diversity increased. The researchers attributed this to climate change. In many places, native species have been displaced by those better adapted to higher temperatures.

unlike in the rivers, the diversity has increased in the oceans, as well as in birds and aquatic invertebrates. Declined. in contrast, the number of algae species in the waters of reason

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