alone Would decide the amount of training compensation on the choice of profession of young people could save the construction in front of the inlet With monthly 1475 Euro in the third year of training, it is in the comparison of the branches at the top. This shows an analysis of tariff compensation, published by the economic and Social research Institute (WSI) of the Union – affiliated Hans-Böckler-Foundation on Monday. The training includes a fourth year of training, the remuneration in the construction industry even in 1580 euros.

Dietrich Creutzburg

economic correspondent in Berlin.

F. A. Z.

More than 1000 euros in a month in the third year of the apprenticeship, in the meantime, in a number of sectors – including not only the large industries of chemistry, metal and electro, but also in the confectionery industry, the retail trade and the building cleaner craft. Prospective cleaning professionals get around with the current collective agreement in their examination year 1050 euros in the West and 1005 Euro in the East, the Overview. In addition, the insurance industry, the banking industry and the public services are traditionally close to the top of the scale – currently with amounts of 1060 euros by 1333 euros in the third year of the apprenticeship.

“minimum training compensation, especially necessary where no collective agreements exist”

it is Somewhat different in the first year of training – especially since the compensation in state care facilities were increased substantially: For training beginners, the public care service with up to 1161 Euro in the month prior to the insurance industry, which pays in the first year of 1040 euros. Just over 1000 euros collective compensation in the first year, in addition, in the metal and electrical industry, in the chemical industry, in the banking sector and in the rest of the public service. The construction industry is here, with 850 euros in the first year of training something.

at the bottom of the WSI Overview on the other hand, the Thuringian hairdressing with a contractually agreed compensation of 325 euros in the first year of the apprenticeship, as well as the East German floristry industry with 425 Euro. The collective agreements but with the start of the new academic year to that extent void, because then the Union and the SPD engages by means of minimum remuneration. Hairdressing and floristry establishments, which offer in Corona-crisis year 2020, new training places, you must now pay by law a minimum of 515 million euros in the first year of the apprenticeship, and 695 Euro in the third year of the apprenticeship.