the Interview of The American President Donald Trump, which was aired on Sunday on Fox News, is unlikely to have contributed to mend the relationship between the Sender and Trump. Chris Wallace always asked critical questions as well, if Trump took refuge in falsehoods; he presented facts that contradicted what they had said of the President. The past week recorded call made the President look good. Several times Trump was considered that the action of the moderator, brash seemed, especially then, as Wallace told the President to his face that he was wrong.

Oliver Kühn

editor in the policy.

F. A. Z. Twitter

early on, the two clashed. It came to the question of mortality rate in the Corona of a pandemic. Trump said the United States had one of the lowest Rates in the world, to which Wallace replied: “That’s not true.” Trump was a piece of paper with a graphic-rich, which should support its claim. In a one-player Wallace then pointed out that the Numbers of the transmitter and of Trump from different sources came. The website “The Intercept” revealed later, that Trumps the graphics of the United States to cut the ratio of dead to sick, depicted in the one that is actually good, while Wallace spoke of the ratio of dead to total population. Trump was Wallace’s conversation, visibly pissed. “I hope you show this here, because it shows what a Fake News,” the President said.

Unfavorable polls? Fake News!

Behind this line of defense Trump drew back also, as Wallace presented him with a recent survey by Fox News. That he is in national polls, is eight percentage points behind the Democrats, Joe Biden. If the election would be now, would Trump lose, said Wallace. “I will not lose, because the Fake polls,” said Trump. There are other surveys which were much better for him. The polls from Fox News were among the worst carried out, Trump said.

he Then went on the attack on Biden. This mental was not in the position, the office of the President to perform. He had made a Test of intellectual efficiency and a great cut. Biden should do that, but he would fall through, claimed Trump. Here, too, behind Wallace asked the President. He did the Test also and it was not particularly difficult. For example, one must recognize the image of an elephant, said Wallace. This is a wrong representation, complained to Trump, because the last five questions are enormously difficult, and Wallace, you have not be able to answer. “One of them is ,subtract seven from a hundred.’ […] 93,“ replied the Journalist.

another dispute developed, as Trump claimed, Biden, the police wanted to swipe the funds. The stand is also in the program-paper, that he had recently drawn up jointly with the “democratic socialist” Bernie Sanders. The voice, instructed Wallace to the back. Trump flipped in the paper, could not find the appropriate place, however, and the conversation went on. In a one-player, Wallace said that the White house could provide no evidence Trumps assertion.