Was there ever a time when the German economy has the major purchasers of its Goods “in violation of international law extra-territorial application” of sanctions accused of? The foreign Minister, the third-largest buyer of “consequences” threatened because of its actions in Hong Kong? And to apply the customer number five in front of an unjust exit from the common internal market?

Now, in the middle of the already devastating Corona-crisis – this time for Germany as an exporting nation: The relationship to the United States, China and the UK for various reasons (Nord Stream, Hong Kong, Brexit) reached a low point.

Good reasons for differences

For Germany, this battle is able to fire a dangerous – first of all, of course, economically. The recovery can only succeed if the exports will soon reach back to nearly the old level. In may, they were still almost a third below the level of the previous year. This is mainly due to the pandemic. But, of course, threats of Sanctions, tariffs, and political strife could weaken the trade relations permanently.

Complicated the thing is, because the struggle is not easy to solve. Finally, there are good reasons for the differences. You want to look the other way, just when in Hong Kong, the freedom is destroyed? You can let it be, if the American government does so, as would the Pipeline Nord Stream 2 through the Baltic sea, but through the Grand Canyon? You want to make the UK the concessions that other EU members make the outlet tasty?