in an Interview with Alexander Kluge three years ago (available on Youtube) had divorced the Berlin Arabistin and Islamic scholar Angelika Neuwirth the spheres. That it was working on a historical-critical documentation of the Qur’an text, is limited to all of the Scripture of Islam, “what is happening between people in a human language”. Was the debate shaped traffic between the prophetic Herald and the matters he has Raised during the approximately 22-year-long period of community education, the “Transcript” is the Qur’an. Not the subject of their Koran research on the other hand, Neuwirth, all that, “what happens between a transcendent inspiring I and a reception extraordinary prophetic ear”. About critical research from say, historical-General, nothing. Both Hermeneutiken, the historical-critical and the transcendent, could, to that extent exist side by side, they were not necessarily to be understood as conflicting interpretations.

Quran research that explores the late antique creation of conditions of the Holy book, it is, according to Angelika Neuwirth’s always about the creative role of the Koran in dealing with Vorfindlichem. The Jewish and Christian knowledge, which had not the hearers of the prophets, and then found an Echo in the Koran belongs. As Neuwirth puts it in her book, “The Koran as a Text of late antiquity. A European approach“ is. Discussed in this volume, the first results of Neuwirth-led research project Corpus Coranicum of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences. A new aspect of this project, the author brings in the July issue of the theological journal, “Herder correspondence” to the language, in a detailed interview with the Rome correspondent Lucas wiegel man.

bridges between religions

The Basic purpose to increase relations of the Koran, the Christian and Jewish traditions freely and to be found in this respect, building bridges between the religions, determines the Koran research for quite some time. So far, the searches for these relations, especially in texts. Neuwirth, who is currently engaged in research in Jerusalem, she seeks now also in the “Performance”, more precisely: in the ritual hymn chants of Orthodox Christians, as they are heard in their strong monasticism embossed Liturgy. These chants are very old. You can be part of the fourth or fifth century date, and are therefore considerably older than the Koran. To the extent that they are testimony to what was found for the formation time of the Koran to the liturgical forms of expression.

Neuwirth makes a completely new aspect of this liturgical traditions of Christianity the attention of: their religion as the unifying Dimension. The listening experience, Christian Orthodox hymns in Jerusalem releases, therefore, a deeper understanding of Islam: “These songs offer interpretations of biblical narratives and prophecies, can any one help, if one wants to understand the often surprising handling of the Qur’an with biblical materials,” says the Koran researcher. “We must not only go to the Bible text itself, and not only to the later exegetical literature of Judaism and Christianity. We also need to consider whether or not certain biblical materials for which are entered to the Mohammed out of the picture at the end of community through the experience of liturgical Performances of the other religions in the view. Or better said: you came to the ears. Especially as many of the listeners were not able to read in the Milieu of the prophet probably did, and write.“

Connecting hymns

The Judeo-Christian knowledge of the handset of the prophets, whose of Neuwirth repeatedly stressed biblical education, has been taught according to this hypothesis, to a large extent liturgically and has found as a vocal Echo in the Koran. This leads in turn to a Christian reform idea, which would like to start with the Treasures of the Liturgy. With Angelika Neuwirth the revival of Orthodox singing traditions understand as a religion of connecting service. Would be able to know who’s singing the old Christian-Orthodox hymns, not in many a Koran-recitation again? And also the Prophet might be deeper understood in the case of a listener, the the in the Koran contained in the biblical materials already singing to ears.

here, Too, the transcendent Dimension of such a historical-critical derivation remains unaffected. But the religious renewal brought in a perspective, the nagging To-be-even-circles of some of the Christian reform debate anthemic behind.