Just four months ago, it is now that, in Germany, in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, an extensive contact prohibition was proclaimed, and the normal everyday life came to a standstill. Meanwhile, however, the exception condition is largely a summer relaxation gone. The number of daily new infections appears with a few hundred cases in this country is controllable, the individual risk to a minimum. Many are already trying to discuss the pandemic, only in the past tense.

The international Figures of drawing, however, a different picture: Almost 14 million Infected worldwide are counted, the number of confirmed deaths is approaching the 600 000. The United States always report new record figures. Brazil has exceeded the count of its Infected the Two-million mark, even in India, the case numbers explode. The pandemic is still in full swing, even if it us not always easy for the international disaster messages with our own, on the Whole, so quiet to bring pandemic situation – a perspective Problem, noticed us, by the way, since the beginning of the Covid-19-crisis accompanied.

It also countries such as Israel or Luxembourg change little, and their new rising infection figures underline just how fragile the state is supposed to control, until an effective vaccine will be available. We can see these countries on how to present the risk of new infection waves, even if our risk is tired of perception – not least because we do not want to hear the new Numbers, and Covid-19-facts already.