It is encouraging that Offenbach seems to lie in the question of the digitalization of schools, at least in the national comparison, right at the front. And it is equally gratifying that the city and the County can rely on a media center, which helps, obviously, with great commitment and a comprehensive range of teachers, in questions of a digital-based teaching in further education. The Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting school closures, have shown how important it is in the case of an emergency is that schools and teachers are in a position to operate a professional knowledge on a digital Basis.

But in an interview with students from Offenbach, a mixed – admittedly, not a representative picture of the practice results. Of individual teachers, the speech, the support of the students with a lot of Engagement online. At least as often young people report of the tasks that you have to get without any support and assistance via e-Mail and now somehow supposed to solve.

it seems that not a single cases

As I said, this is not representative and certainly not to Offenbach limited Problem. Exceptional individual cases don’t seem to be, but also experts such as the psychologist and Director of the Institute for science education in Kiel, Olaf Köller, warn that the time has not caused the closed schools in Germany, perhaps, considerable learning, residues, because Germany is digitized just like Denmark its schools many years ago, consistently.