In the post-Corona-the world, the time being indefinitely postponed, we must ourselves according to human judgment, in a Showdown set, as the climate scientist Mojib Latif in his new book about the “hot time” is outlined. Let us remember: The word that named the society for the German language two years ago, to the word of the year, and previously appeared in the scientific literature (there, oddly enough, in its image of strength), to signal the dangerous geophysical epoch change.

Joachim Müller-Jung

editor in the features section, responsible for the area of “nature and science”.

F. A. Z. Twitter

The “climate disaster,” so. Whether or not you should call the facts of the case as yet, because most of the disasters included but almost always also the element of Surprise, and climate change is already announced for decades, after the reading of Latif’s book does not say for sure. Because Apocalypse warnings are not for Latif anyway, the recipe of choice for the climate discourse. The departure is, rather, his subject, the beautiful idea of “positive Narrative” of climate communication employed for a few years. But the mischief of prose does not displace, even when it is him.

A half a year, the massive health crisis has pushed the crisis of the planet in the Background. And the question is, what can be achieved with a book, such as Mojib Latif submits to it, in the next round of the climate debate. Latif is politically anyway, in the Full. He has a previous year that came up with climate books of activists and sustainability experts and green future, men over long distances is exceptionally presented personal science book for the purpose of mobilization.

climate crisis, the focus of policy makers and the Public

“The urgency of Today,” Latif quoted Martin Luther King, jr., will flush the climate crisis to the top. Because he follows not only the climate reality, about the years of rampant drought and the perception in the Public, he may rely on surveys, or the societal shift in Opinion to lead, especially young people, have causes. This on-the-Corona-mood Latif docks.

As one of the most sought-after climate researchers in the first hour, the shake up in the nineties, in addition to the Hamburg-based Max Planck researchers, the Public tried to, he knows of the ill-fated as inevitable attention cycles that became the climate policy to be disastrous. And this is also a theme of the new book, he starts as a researcher at the Geomar Helmholtz centre for ocean research, a new start-up.

The starting position is now quite different. A large part of the book, Latif used to show why now is the crucial, and perhaps the last opportunity, the rudder in favor of a stabilization of the global climate turn things around. Of course, in the climate discourse, the usual lecture on diving because of the responsible persons in politics and the economy, the society, trying to save the Whole, still unaware of the tremendous environmental risks to the “disposable society”.

What annoys Latif is still very much today, but rarely discussed: the impact side of the climate discourse gets, if the climate deniers and the so-called sceptics-the word in the political dispute is granted. Because of injuries, swing with a minimum of intellectual, maybe even personal. You would see it positively, what Latif calls at the end of the book, then vehemently, you could say: Here Latif carries on too thick. The saboteurs of climate policy, which is hardly respectable, let alone new arguments to address the climate change-awareness raising are able to, have lost the meaning ascribed to Latif you, almost everywhere. Even in the United States, where the view of the climate moving to understand goes way, because the political weight and the sheer emission load of a Western industrial nation’s number-one are still big, break the lies faster and faster. Two-thirds of the respondents have stated in a representative survey recently, to be able to the consequences of global warming in your on home feel.

However the climate sceptics alone, Latif makes the Stagnation in the real climate policy. What he attempts in his book about long distances: to find explanations for how it comes all the warning signals in Spite of the refusal, in the field of climate policy and also in the everyday life of most citizens ‘ behavior to try as soon as possible in the turn. None of the interpretations is new: the decoupling of cause and effect, the background noise of the lobbyists on a slant through social networks, the physical and social complexity of global change at all – everything is already in many cases. But all is not implausible.