The controversy over the renaming of the U-Bahn station Mohrenstraße in Berlin-Mitte has become a farce – fun but a maximum. For the proponents of the eradication of memory was a little murky Detail of the population of Berlin history on the target, they were overtaken by those on the harsh way: you Should pay tribute to the moor road for the final time typical European racism of the late 18th century. Century, as the designated new names for the patron Saint of Mikhail Glinka turned out to be on closer Inspection, as a (moderate) representative of the typical anti-Semitism of the Russian 19. Century.

Now, it is not necessarily that at each attempt, the historic cast out devils, a historic Beelzebub around the corner comes. But the Berlin-based rogue piece should be a reminder to all those who, in the assessment of the past, only their own standards of political correctness apply. Because this has not sometimes be abhorred, only strong eliminator of trains, as in other ideological garb to the right.

in addition, the Tilgungsfuror is often subject to the false conclusion of the Invisibility loaded memory is an act of justice towards “the Victims”. History is often dirty. And Look is always better than Overlooked, because there is nothing more to see.