Poland is on the Sunday before a fateful choice. When the liberal Challenger Rafał Trzaskowski should be President, would be the 2015 of the PiS-government heralded conservative cultural revolution, probably the beginning of your end to experience; it is incumbent Andrzej Duda confirmed, can rule the PiS under the leadership of Jarosław Kaczyński easily. In Poland the head of state, with its abundance of power the French model is closer than the German.

Gerhard Gnauck

Political correspondent for Poland, the Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, based in Warsaw.

F. A. Z. Twitter

In the last few weeks it has, because the number of daily Corona new infections is stable at under four hundred, a normal election campaign is given. But never before have the wives of the candidates have played such a role as this time – this was the appearance of the wife of the candidate of the peasant party, who presented her husband with the words, “Come on, Tiger, the stage is free” to the public. The usual “supporter Committee”, in which actors, athletes and other “authorities” in favour of your favorites are almost gone – probably a Symptom of the perceived decline of social authorities in General.

What is not to say that artists took the floor. Particularly striking has done this recently, the Director Patryk Vega, an Enfant terrible of the Polish cinema. His satire, “Polityka” (politics) attracted 1.9 million admissions and was one of the most successful local films. Before the release of the film had been debated for weeks whether and how it will affect the elections. “Polityka” is a parody of the political class, and Ruling – especially Kaczyński, the self-glorifying “war Minister” (officially the Minister of defence) Antoni Antoni macierewicz and his aspiring assistant Bartłomiej Misiewicz – take up most of the screen time and get the most of fat.