The Prosecutor’s office on suspicion of bribery in business transactions against Felix Scheuerpflug, the managing Director of “The Dome of Frankfurt”. The company wants to build at the airport a multi-function hall. The project will be considered as a rival project to the Arena at the Kaiserlei, for whose construction the city has a procurement procedure launched. According to the Prosecutor, Scheuerpflug should have tried to have a negotiating partner Commission services in private.

Rainer Schulze

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

It was not come to make payments, however, there is a “probable cause”. In this context, on Wednesday, the housing and job searches, and pieces of evidence were seized. In the hall, among other things, the games of the basketball Association Skyliners should be held. Apparently, the investigations are in connection with the Effort to convince the Skyliners-managing Director Gunnar Wöbke of the project.

As the speaker of “The Dome” is explained, it is common practice to pay for the placement of sponsors for an Arena a Commission against the invoice. It is questionable whether this money should be for the benefit of, the managing Director of the private or the Association. “The allegations do not to meet,” says the spokesman. The company is examining legal steps because of false accusations. Wöbke said he didn’t appear shy plow. “If the police and questioned, I will answer truthfully their questions.”