Grass pollen allergy season has begun. At the end of May, the National Aerobiological Surveillance Network (RNSA) placed all of metropolitan France (except six departments in the North-West) on red alert. A season that lasts longer each year and which concerns, every year, more people.

Here are today’s allergy risk prediction maps for grasses, oaks, plantains, sorrels. Watch out for the wind and the sun which will promote the emission and dispersion of pollen in the air! Good luck to all allergy sufferers!

The main reason is global warming. “The beautiful spring weather conditions will promote the emission and dispersal of grass pollen in the air,” says the RNSA. In fact, the French are confronted with air that is more pollen-laden, and therefore more allergenic, for longer. “The sun and also the pollution act on the pollen directly to increase the number of allergens on its wall and therefore cause more problems”, explains Dr Marie-Laure Megret-Gabeaud, allergist in Paris, on TF1.

“Only the rare stormy showers will be able to bring temporary respite to allergy sufferers, when the rainy weather will flatten the pollen on the ground”, continues the RNSA. While waiting for these rains and the end of the season, towards the end of July, it is therefore necessary to consult and take medication, because “the allergy tends to get worse on its own, and the longer you wait, the more difficult it is for the medication to act,” warns Sophie Silcret-Grieu, allergist and member of the asthma and allergies association, on France Info.

Here are the pollen forecasts for this Tuesday, May 30 for the continuation and the end of the matches of the first round of the French international tennis Good luck to those with allergies and good matches!

She is therefore not surprised to see more and more allergic patients. “That number keeps growing. We indeed see more severe cases from year to year which can sometimes lead to hospital and this year is no exception, ”she explains on France Info.

If, today, 30% of French people suffer from allergies, they could be 50% in 2050. Because “pollution, in particular fine particles, ozone, NO2, are elements that weaken the wall of the pollen grain that breaks more easily and releases more allergenic pollen. In addition to this, pollution weakens the respiratory tract of individuals who are more bothered by pollen, “says Samuel Monnier, RNSA engineer, on TF1.