In the CDU, there is not even so few politicians, male or female, who see the Problem clearly: The party has too few women. Nearly 20 percent of the CDU/CSU members of the Bundestag are women, in the previous legislature, it had been 25 percent. And only about one out of every four of the total of 402.000 CDU-members is female. “For the CDU, the population needs and how they are composed of the scale is,” said the Head of the group of women in the Bundestag, Yvonne Magwas, in April, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. People’s party, therefore, means also to be well-established in society. In a society that is half women.

Mona Jaeger

editor in the policy.

F. A. Z. Twitter

A women’s quota is not wanted to introduce, therefore, the most in the CDU anyway. The word rate triggered in the Union has always been a great defensive reflexes. But there was something In the Sunday broadcast the summer, the ARD interview, the CDU said the Chairman of Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, they had not long been of the opinion that there is a need for a women’s quota. Today, you see it differently: “I owe the rate a lot. I am a quota woman,“ said Kramp-Karrenbauer, with evident Pride.

And if Kramp-Karrenbauer is only a few months, the Chairman of her party, she brought a stone to roll, could change the party permanently Because of the ratio. Eleven hours is the length of the structure and Statutes Committee of the party met on Monday, until there was a result in terms of women. From next year, at least 30 per cent of Board offices from the County level are held by women. This quota should then be gradually raised. Starting in 2023, a rate of 40 per cent applies from 2025 and then a 50 per cent. A large majority of the members of the Commission voted for the compromise, and also about the Young Union, which has not only very few women in their ranks, but a rate yet also particularly critical saw.

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There are, however, some limitations: the ratio can be deviated from if there are not enough women candidates to comply with it. In addition, the quota applies only for group elections for Board members. If, for example, a new district Chairman is alone elected, the quota, which now was agreed there would be no role. Through the women’s quota, the CDU will not get anywhere, female officials, even when starting from 2025, even parity on the paper prevails. The district Chairman must report on how the proportion of women in them developed in the district Association and what measures you will take to promote women.