The Duke of Athens? Deleted. The Amazon Queen? Deleted. The Wedding? Not without Theseus and Hippolyta, and, therefore, in the absence of bride and groom simply. And even Athens is far, far away. Young, Young, you might think, after a quarter of an hour, what would Shakespeare do this? To all this babble instead of the verses, for, well, a little different, the Hessian community, as it were, to the Ensemble-body-written framework for action. And to Seibicke not in the least, broken and dirty, and at the same time, a strange haunted amusement Park, in Pascal, the large terrace of the Darmstadt state theatre has been transformed.

Christoph Schütte

a Freelance writer based in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

And yet, the core of this from the Darmstadt-born playwright David Gieselmann the Federal state of Hesse transferred to the “summer night’s dream”, and now because of the Corona-measures exactly 105, usually in pairs, clustered spectators had its Premiere, remains of the radical cuts only once without prejudice. Also in the forest of Trautheim, where the elf king Oberon wants to play with the Puck and his love drops a little fate, do not want Hermia and Lysander, Demetrius and Helena find in the forest, happy with each other. The spell power, on the contrary, everything is worse. And where there is mastery of the actor, pretty südhessisch also a little rough.

“Lysander, you bleeder scumbag”, is Director Ulf Goerke here Sandra Russo as the jealousy-ridden Hermia nagging, meanwhile, Titania (Sandra Fleckenstein) advertise the Weber paper (Sophia Carnier) with Handkäs, music, Cider enchants and the lonely, beautiful Helena (Petra Schlesinger) Lysanders love not law of trusts: “Horchema, can veräppele I myself.” To replace the highlight of the staging but, the game in the game of the artisans through a sample game of the Hessian game community for the traditional summer theatre, whose actors are representing here, as it were, himself, he is not at the end right. The idea seems to be quite obvious. Because not only Gieselmann and Goerke to fill in so doing, the cuts gaping gap. Without the – painted – wedding of Theseus and Hippolyta finally, no Party, no Amateur game of the artisans to their honor, no paper, no ass and not a dream. And so, also not a happy awakening.

dialect and self-deprecation

especially since 95 years for the Darmstadt dialect theatre and in particular for the staging of Ernst Niebergalls “Datterich” competent Ensemble on the piece and the scene that has become the sample is in the dialect instead of high German, or even in the verses, at last pretty out of it. The theatre pretty self-deprecating making a big fuss about “modern Ferz”, about directing theatre, and Gender-switching and, moreover, as “the wall”, as Thisbe, lion, or large, full, of silent moon via its own batching delicious amuse.

Alone, the statics of this extremely scarce 90 minutes evaporated “a Midsummer night’s dream” not to do all the strokes really well. Not only you might wonder about the escape Hermias and Lysanders in the forest at trust home; but, unlike Shakespeare, for her secret Disappear for no good reason. Especially the different levels, all the Love intrigues, meanness and squabbles, appear dream and Amateur game and the elves of the Kingdom, which leads to the production here, instead of as a dream play and Comedy, without distinction as clothes created appear.