Many wanted to, but not everyone was allowed to approach it with a swing of the thing. 130 Golf players and Golf players had entered full of enthusiasm for participation in the German championship age class 30 (AK 30). It was a tournament held over three days at the Golf club Neuhof, with a particular importance, as this was the first national title competition of the German Golf Association (DGV) in this year, according to the Corona-forced break.

And the with of the pandemic, and associated requirements, restricted the scope significantly: in Spite of the onslaught on the courts, 23 the game of Golf inside and 39 player was allowed due to the safety and hygiene concept of the DGV only half of the applicants, their ticket was the current Handicap. At the Start of 38 players, but they then went. A participant from the area of Gütersloh, could not prove in time a negative Corona Test. In the hope of a quick result, he was subjected to last Thursday at the Frankfurt airport, nor the necessary Test. Until immediately before the start of the tournament on Friday, the man waited in vain for the result. He received, therefore, no permission to start.

The German championship of the AK 30, which was won by Stefan green (Frankfurter Golf club) and Nicola Rössler (Munich Golf club), was a pilot project in Corona times. One that presented great challenges to the organizers. You coped with but as a community. “Everything has worked out fine, there were no accidents,” said Marcus Neumann, the Chairman of Sport in the DGV. “We were also able to rules of the difficult things with the Golf club Neuhof well in advance.”

The Procedure was always the same: The player, the area at risk did not come from the Corona, had to identify themselves at the registration and then fill out a form, that you are not infected to your knowledge. To be able to strictly adhere to the prescribed distance and hygiene rules, the game number to around 60. “That was the minimum number to have the first attempt at a German championship and a decent field and not a diced German champion produce,” said Neumann.