At the end don’t want to say even Alexander Falk still something. “I agree with my defenders,” he says with a Smile, the looks uncharacteristically tired for such a dynamic Hamburg-based entrepreneurs. It is 17.30. The day of the arguments in this complex and hardball hard-fought process is over. For hours, prosecutors and defenders have pointed out, what are your conclusions from the ten months of the taking of evidence are. Only cynics have argued at the beginning of the process, the idea that it could take so long. That Falk would have at the end of 22 months in custody sat, is a more unusual concomitant of this case.

Anna-Sophia Lang

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

The Prosecutor’s office has accused the heirs of the map-publishing house and a successful New Economy entrepreneurs, to have an attack on a lawyer in a large law firm that wanted him to make in a compensation process, large parts of its assets in dispute. In February 2010, the victim in front of his house in Frankfurt was shot-West shot. This fact is the core of the thing – and pretty much the only thing the parties are in agreement. About the How and Why to answer it in a criminal case, they argue, since the first day.

it also remains on the day of the arguments. The public Prosecutor’s office accuses the defense, with a secondary theatre of war tried the focus from the accused to avert. The defense says, in turn, the process had been marked by speculation and a minimum of work, lazy justice, it is criminal for the character question had been made, because they wanted to condemn Alexander Falk necessarily.

defense: The key witness is lying

The Prosecutor’s office is convinced that Falk has given the order, because the later victims of hardness and intransigence was going on. The Basis for this assessment, the statement of the lawyer is crucial. He had trials reported of a growing chain of threats that he and colleagues explain in the end, only with the Falk-mandate: Anonymous phone calls, break-in and the shot. The prosecution also relies on an SMS to Falk days before the fact, in the speech is that “grandma” to get your “Spa stay”. In addition, the plea is based on a secretly made tape recording. This is cut in many Places, however, it suggests from the point of view of the Prosecutor’s office still on Falk as an Initiator of the stop. Add to that, among other things, the particulars of a person of trust of the police, a ransom note, with perpetrator knowledge and the key witness. The state attorney attested Falk, a criminal energy and referred to the act as an attack on the rule of law. It calls for six years of imprisonment and the maintenance of the warrant.

All of the looks the defense is different, and asked for an acquittal. Falk had given neither the mandate nor something of burglaries known. He had just want to a Laptop in the office, because he suspected there exculpatory data. Everything that I have said of the key witness, was wrong, the man I just want the 100,000 Euro reward to the firms the victim’s cash. The tape recording had just been to blackmail Falk’s made and the original conversation was totally deformed sense. In addition, Falk had no grudge against the lawyer. He had understood in the year before the act is even better with him. The compensation process was not at that time moved for him in the Background, because the family had priority. The SMS Falk can’t remember at all.

It is now up to the court to decide. The judgment falls on Thursday.