anyone Who buys an electric car, you can enjoy a higher state funding. The Directive enters into force on Wednesday, as the Federal Ministry of economic Affairs announced on Tuesday. Therefore, also for cars, the since 3. June were approved.

The peaks of the Grand coalition had agreed at the beginning of June, double the government subsidy for electric cars. The amount depends on the price of the car –in the case of more expensive models from 40,000 Euro net list price, there is less money from the state than in the lower.

For pure electric cars, the government support amounts to a maximum of 6000 euros, for Plug-in hybrid, there are up to 4500 euros. Added to this is the promotion by the manufacturer. The amount is not doubled and is thus after the entry into force of the new funding Directive, the half of the state’s share.Who would buy a pure electric car can get up to 9000 euros, for Plug-in Hybrids are up to 6750 Euro.

The higher state support to make “a significant incentive for consumers for the purchase of E-cars,” said Federal Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU). “We want to drive the shift to electric cars and electric mobility in Germany a new boost.”