Pauline Baumberger loves her home. If the young winemaker of the landscape of the vineyards and your idyllic hometown of almond tells of the wine culture and their family, farmed now in the sixth Generation of a winery, light up your eyes. And this is no Exaggeration, on the contrary, their enthusiasm is contagious, you want to immediately rush to the station, Luggage in Hand and go there, to that spot of earth, this small growing area, behind Rheinhessen, the wine connoisseur, but otherwise, many scarcely known.

in Order to awaken this enthusiasm in itself, had to leave Pauline baumberger your home in the first place. The world waited out there to be explored. Only the nearby city of Mainz, The Hague, far away from the wine, Design study, next to Paris, Berlin. “It was like the Obelix-effect,” she says with a laugh. Like the Gauls, of the falls as a child, in a pot of magic potion, she was raised with wine, and had to liberate themselves first from him, an identity of its own to develop. Also, because of traditional role clichés, offer little space for it: “As a woman in the winery, it is often Vertrieblerin or future wine Queen.”

wine Queen, she was, nevertheless, a couple of years ago. But enough wasn’t, no, you wanted to be active. The goal: your own wine, according to their own philosophy and their own values. In the meantime, she had started a master’s degree in wine management and sustainability at the Cologne trade fair “wine salon Natürel” nature of wine and its winemakers met. And thus a new and completely different wine culture: “wine is often something that people find fault,” she says, “but there was talk about what is on each wine correctly. He is pure, alive and full of energy. When you taste a natural wine, you realize that there’s a lot of Private in there. Natural wine is its own.“

Biodynamic agriculture is part of

Self is a pretty good description for these wines, which operate for some years under the term. A precise Definition does not exist, for a large part of the natural wine winemakers and natural wine, winemakers, retailers and distributors and fans is part of consistent organic, if not biodynamic agriculture and a waiver of additives and other auxiliaries. They are not filtered or fined, spontaneous fermentation is the rule rather than the exception. For winemakers, this means more effort and especially at the beginning is difficult to calculate the risk.

A risk, but you convinced your family: the tradition winery is located since this year in conversion to organic farm. And that’s not enough, you trusted her, too, last year, a small part of the vines. The grapes processed in the natural wine process as macération carbonique (Carbonic maceration) to 800 bottles of Riesling, 800 bottles of muscatel, and a further 800 bottles of sparkling wine – Pét-Nat, as it is called in the event of natural wines – made from Muscat grapes.

For the Region that previously had no natural wines were a Premiere. But Baumberger had the right feeling: “When we opened the reading after the wine for the first time, the container for the máceration carbonique, smelled the whole room, after strawberries,” recalls the 26-year-old winemaker. Her family was thrilled: “My father said, he did smell something. If we managed to keep all of this in the wine, everything would be good.“

“If a winemaker’s daughter, has learned nothing”

So not all of them were open. As well as other natural wine, winemakers and natural wine winemakers Pauline baumberger rejection was from the ranks of traditional viticulture. In the case of a young wine sample sentences were: “So this is, if a vintner’s daughter comes home, nothing has been learned, and thinks they could make their own wine.”

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test of such criticism, it helps that the natural wine scene is well connected in Germany, quite closely, Baumberger with other winemakers and wine traders undWeinhändlern is in close contact – and stood next to her family, to her and her Vision: Ramona Winter, for example, the fellows in Berlin, together with her life in the wine trade, “8 Green Bottles”: “Pauline would like to make their wines accessible – also for persons outside the popular wine scene. You are not terror, they are not complicated or previous knowledge require.“