As the former American President George W. Bush in February, was fifteen years ago, on tour in Germany, he wanted to be and even more so his wife, Laura, a certificate of Occidental cultural history is a must-see – the two Gutenberg Bibles in Mainz, Germany. Half of the Rhine-Main-area was the high-security zone, it is alert level one was. 1300 Gully and manhole covers, as is stated in the annals, were sealed, the number of deployed security forces remained a secret.

What is the American President saw before him a Queen Elizabeth II or Mikhail Gorbachev? A “world Museum of the art of printing”, and even then, the impression of a demolition tire dump mediated, in the case of heavy rain the water drips from the ceiling, so that one had to be not only the two Bibles produced between 1452 and 1455, fear and worry.

The city government had gone but then, as now, the peace and quiet. In the year 1900, Mainz citizens founded the Museum eradicates ahead, especially in 1962 by Rainer Schell, on the edge of the Cathedral square, the new building, despite a renovation in the year 2000. About plans for a conversion or new construction, the team advised on forever. The Chance, the printing Museum with the unique collection of the press enthusiasts Martin Wilt, had a guest, a printing and newspaper Museum to expand, has been missed. Welke moved to Augsburg.

In April, two years ago, finally, the idea of the Gutenberg Bibles, for the period of a renovation in a pre-located “Bible tower” to accommodate a terrific failed. For the tower, a cross-party majority of the city Council was to have occurred previously, but wanted to ask the citizens. And rejected the klotzigen tower with the overwhelming majority of 77.3% of the votes cast. This, of course, was not alone as a rejection of the “Bible tower”, but as a receipt for the Occurrence of a city government values of the Tempo-30-zones, and diesel ban in motion, but disappears when it comes to the appearance of the Central city area, including the “world Museum”.