The Hessian security authorities the Drohschreiben to the honourable member of Parliament, Janine Wissler (Left) “very seriously”. So Minister Peter Beuth (CDU) put it on the inside of the Assembly. The police investigate with high pressure in order to tear the sender “out of anonymity, so that they can be punished with the utmost severity”.

Ewald Hetrodt

correspondent of the Rhein-Main-Zeitung in Wiesbaden.

F. A. Z.

The Chairman of the Left in the Hessian Parliament had confirmed in February, two electronic Drohschreiben get signed with the initials “NSU 2.0” below. This is the acronym for the extreme right-wing terrorist group “national socialist underground”. The same signature, contributed Drohschreiben that went to other recipients, including the Frankfurt lawyer Seda Basay-Yildiz. The faxes that you have received, and which could come to Wissler addressed Mails from the same author, gives the case additional explosiveness.

A special case

Beuth spoke of an “attack on our democracy” and announced that it would consistently take the appropriate action. “Every single Threat that the subject matter is tested by our experts at the Hessian state office of criminal investigation carefully, and closely supervised,” said the Minister of the interior. The risk will be individually assessed. Every recipient of such e-mails get assigned to a Contact officer. Him can notify, at any time, who feel not sure. The police will give clues to the correct behavior, be taken but also safeguards.

The Drohschreiben against Wissler is because of the celebrity victim, and the signature of a special case, but apparently only the tip of a growing iceberg. According to the Minister of the interior, the Hessian police recorded in the past year, 75 criminal offences, directed against the official and elected representatives. In 2018, there were a total of 20. Of these, only two actions were “politically motivated justice”. This proportion increased in the past year, to 48. Obviously, from the right edge of the political spectrum threat in the state of Hesse prevailed in the year 2019, significantly. One explanation could be that the murder of the previous Kasseler government President Walter Lübcke (CDU) triggered in the surrounding areas of further offences with different quality.

elected officials and families to protect

In a different direction, the response of the Federal government to a minor Interpellation of the AfD group suggests. After that, the police were reported for the first quarter of last year, a total of 408 offences, which were registered under the “upper target party”. Of these, 252 deeds “on the left”, and 171 of the acts were motivated by “right”. 84 cases could not be assigned.

The growing number of “attacks on local politicians of all parties” took note of the AfD parliamentary group on the occasion of the Change to the Hessian municipal electoral regulations to propose. In order to protect the mandate holders and their families, should no longer be called the residential address of the candidate for public office in the future. The application of the AfD has been transferred from the plenary to advise the Committee. As a model for the AfD is used Westphalia, a corresponding amendment of the municipal electoral regulations in North Rhine-Westphalia.