as The government in London announced sanctions against human rights violators in Russia, Saudi Arabia, Burma and North Korea a part of the British departure from the EU. From the announcement by foreign Minister Dominic Raab, the United Kingdom, of wool determined than ever to act as a “force of Good in the world,” said in the Subtext of the message: Even during the fight against the evildoers of this world, the UK is now free from the shackles that have him imposed by the EU. This taunt was granted him, when the British are now trying earnestly to make oppressors life at least a little bit harder. The Brexit would have to use at least one Collateral.

you can be As effective sanctions are only imposed by the British, is another question. Completely toothless London is not: For some of the profiteers of the Russian regime, it would be actually painful, when you were in London welcome. Because double standards met so far on double standards: the give anti to the West of the Moscow Elite, which pulls always to the West, to the British, who criticized the Kremlin sharply, the money of his representatives, but gladly took.

Russia, however, is one of the simplest cases of the new UK sanctions policy. The relations of London to Moscow are already so miserable, that is not much broken. How far the new British human right policy and where it is reaching its political, military and economic borders, it will be in other cases.