Horst Seehofer, had on Tuesday made a notable appearance as Chairman of the EU home Affairs Ministers for the next six months. The situation at the rescue, to the “only a vanishingly small part” of the States take part, to be the Union “actually not worthy of it,” he said, before he switched with his colleagues from other States via video conference. In the last few years would have been denied some of the member States “plain and simple”. The EU can’t get it done, to reform its asylum and migration system, called Seehofer a “shameful”. Clear Words. But you are working?

Thomas Gutschker

Political correspondent for the European Union, Nato and the Benelux countries, based in Brussels.

F. A. Z.

The Federal Minister of the interior spoke of a “very, very thick Board”, he must now drill. The informal Council was just the beginning. Still, the EU has submitted to the Commission its long-awaited proposal for a new Pact on Migration and asylum at all. This is planned for September, as the competent EU Commissioner for Ylva Johansson confirmed. First, governments should agree on all the financial issues to economic recovery and financial framework for the years to come.

Seehofer’s most recognizable impatient, and so he advanced on Tuesday, the practical challenges in the center, where the EU is facing in the next few weeks anyway. Over the summer, was to be expected that more migrants with smugglers help boarded boats to Europe, he wrote in a discussion paper for the meeting.

The can then expect additional help in August about the of the Evangelical Church in Germany mitinitiierte “Sea Watch 4 should be” ready for use. You need a broad participation, called Seehofer to his colleagues and called on them to “to support the Mediterranean countries in dealing with Disembarkation after a Search – and-rescue operations”.

In sum, it’s not a lot of people

Until now, the number of supporters is manageable. In September of last year, Seehofer had agreed with his colleagues from France, Italy and Malta, a “provisional solidarity mechanism” for the distribution of migrants who were taken in by aid organizations in the Mediterranean sea. The CSU-politician said to the lump to take a quarter. The other States remained vague.

France does, of course, always be approximately equal contributions, such as Germany. Italy and Malta hold back against it heavily. You fight against it, to let out ships at all in the landing – from the not unjustified concern that they stay on most of the migrants sit. At least 180 people from the “Ocean Viking were on Tuesday,” in the Sicilian Porto Empedocle in quarantine to go. The Lebanese Livestock carrier “Talia” with 52 Rescued on Board, sought, meanwhile, is still a port.

In the autumn had Seehofer set to the fact that more member States join the so-called Malta-mechanism, at least the half of it. Formally, the did not happen. Informally participate in Portugal, Ireland and Luxembourg, regularly, and in some cases have taken over Finland and Romania migrants. The EU Commission must, however, beg still for each individual ship to Commitments.