Almost undivided consent was the British foreign Secretary, Dominic Raab, as he introduced the beginning of the week in the lower house, the new independent sanctions policy of the Kingdom and immediately first presented. The Labour politician, Lisa Nandy called Raabs announcements, “welcome”, the Libdem MP Alistair Carmichael even spoke of a “turning point in the development of human rights”.

Jochen Buchsteiner

Political correspondent in London.

F. A. Z. Twitter

so Far, London had supported sanctions in the rule in conjunction with the UN or the European Union. With the exit from the EU, the UK, and are now on their own measures. In colored language, Raab presented his country as a champion for justice: “If you are a Kleptocratic or organised criminals, they can take your blood money in this country, no more washing,” he promised. “Those with blood on their hands, the thug, the despot, the minions of the dictators, will no longer have the freedom in this country to interfere and go to houses to buy on the King’s Road to make your Christmas shopping in Knightsbridge or their dirty money from British banks suck.”

Raab took first, individuals and organizations from four countries target: two generals from Burma, who were involved in the violent persecution of the Rohingya;two organisations that benefited from the forced labour in North Korea;twenty-Saudis to be involved in the murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi, and 25 Russians, which is assigned to a role in the death of lawyer Sergei Magnitsky. The Above was said with immediate effect, into the Kingdom to enter. At the same time, their accounts were frozen.