Islamists and right-wing extremists could use the pandemic, according to the words of the UN Secretary-General António Guterres for their own purposes. The corona of crisis, open groups such as the Islamic state, the Al Qaeda and their offshoots, but also neo-Nazis, white supremacists and hate groups in new ways, warned Guterres on Monday.

Although it was too early, the impact of the pandemic on terrorism to assess. However, all of these groups, divisions, local conflicts, error in the government sought to use the guide, as well as other problems to your goals. The IS around, the once large parts of Iraq and Syria and controlled, trying to take in both countries on their feet, said Guterres. “The implications are, particularly in those countries that have previously experienced conflicts or just by them,” he said. Elections and international diplomacy would be much more difficult, and additional tensions arise from the serious economic consequences of the crisis. As for the Virus limits also played for the terrorism is not a role. “He relates to all Nations, and can only be defeated”, the UN Secretary-General.

The Tunisian Ambassador to the UN Kais Kabtani said that terrorist groups were trying to strike from the circumstance of Profit, the focus of the world, applicable to the current fight against the pandemic. So you tried currently to start state authorities to undermine and new attacks.

pandemics and other health risks to the back, according to the will of foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) more into the centre of the global security policy. There is a need of comprehensive understanding of the concepts of peace and security, said Maas in a virtual meeting of the UN security Council on Thursday. During the Writing of the UN Charter 75 years ago had been thought, especially in the military categories. “Today, we know that a Virus can be more deadly than a firearm that a Cyber-attack can do more damage than a soldier, and that climate change threatens more people than most conventional weapons.” The Corona of the crisis was global, it would require, therefore, global Action.