Unpleasant scenes in front of the stadiums of the two relegation participants in Heidenheim, Germany and Bremen: After the missed promotion to the football League, Fans of the 1. FC Heidenheim on a rampage. In connection to the 2:2 in the relegation play-off second leg they should have according to the police, players of Werder Bremen presumably with beer and stones and bottles at the team bus thrown splattered. According to a first estimate of the damage to the Bus amounted to several thousand euros.

The Bremen players had celebrated, according to police, on Tuesday shortly after midnight in front of their Bus in front of the Heidenheimer Arena the classes hold. Then, about half of the roughly 200 in attendance FCH-Fans to reach out to you, to spray you with liquid. The mood was aggressive and heated. Police officials urged the FCH-Fans, in order to allow the Bus exit, and pepper spray.

Against a 28 – and 29-Year-old is determined, because you should have thrown a bottle and stones. At the Bremen team bus, a disk was broken. Previously, the “picture reported” about it.

tear gas and Injured in Bremen

In Bremen, evaluates the police, meanwhile, after the riots during the celebration of the relegation of Werder video recordings of the events. Rioters had wanted to ensure were thrown at forces on Tuesday night with bottles and fireworks, as these provide for order and, among other things, the compliance with hygiene rules because of the Coronavirus pandemic. The police have initiated investigation proceedings and criminal charges, a spokeswoman for the German press Agency said on Tuesday.

the attacker would have thrown at the officials from the crowd, “anonymous,” she explained. Werder Fans had celebrated more Bundesliga affiliation with their team, initially in a peaceful manner. “Never Second League”, sang the trailer after the relegation play-off return game. Many people had the game and in the pubs close to the Weser-stadium followed. In the course of the Evening, it was to become in Bremen “district” is always full.