A good fifth of the German company sees its Survival through the Corona-crisis at risk. 21 percent in a survey conducted by the Munich-based Ifo Institute, the impairment due to the Corona are considered existence-threatening. “In the coming months, could initiate a wave of insolvencies,” said researcher Stefan Sauer on Monday. This is particularly relevant to the service provider, of which 27 per cent as at-risk would be classified. In the trade it had been 18 per cent, industry 17 and on the construction of only 2 percent.

it Particularly difficult to travel agencies and tour operators assessed the situation, 85 per cent of them, their existence under threat. In the hotel there were 76 per cent and in the pubs 67 per cent. But also, 55 percent of the Creative people, artists, and entertainers were concerned about their future. It is shipping with 50 per cent and the film industry, with 48 percent, followed.