The refusal of the mask-wearing is increasingly becoming a matter of faith for those who do not want to return quickly enough to a fictive normality without corona virus. The victims are inspectors in public transport, or business people who do not want to alienate your customers, but on the mask, a duty must exist, to protect its own employees. Now that the Minister of economic Affairs of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and lower Saxony, the “consumer killer mask” would rather the health care victims, is irresponsible and short-sighted, because a second, Lockdown would only be difficult to cope with.

nobody Remembers the good effects of the early mask obligation of the city of Jena? Mecklenburg rates-Vorpommern low infection. But who says that the situation remains after the end of the holiday season with crowded beaches and Neighbourhoods and tourists from all over Germany, so? A glance across the border is enough: Switzerland, long thought to be able to masks in public transport amenities, in a number of cantons in a second wave of Infection.

The border locations in southern Germany are increasingly upset about the shopping at the end of the Swiss, who want nothing to do with the German mask mandatory in shops. And also in Austria, the infection can go up to pay, there is in some Parts of the country ruefully to mask duty returned.