A year after the admission of the new E-Scooter secured accident are the figures: From January to March, 2020, the police registered a total of 251 accidents in which people were injured or killed. According to the Federal statistical office, a E-Scooter-driver was killed. 39 in the event of accidents with so-called electric vehicles, micro-heavy, and 182 slightly injured.

“, E play-Scooter accident happened thus a comparatively small role,” reports the statisticians on Wednesday in Wiesbaden. In the same period, there were, for example, 12.700 Bicycle accidents in which people were harmed. 52 cyclists were killed, 2052 have been heavy and 10 431 slightly injured.

E-scooters are for 15. June 2019 approved in Germany. The police recorded accidents with these vehicles separately, but it is only since 1. January, 2020. The user must use bike paths or on-road driving, the use of sidewalks is prohibited. A driver’s license you do not need.