The General statutory minimum wage is expected to rise in the next two years, despite the deep economic crisis much faster than in the past. The has decided the of the Federal government appointed minimum wage Commission late Tuesday afternoon, after an unusually long session. It recommends that the government, the General statutory minimum wage level by 1.July 2022, in a total of four levels to 10.45 euros per hour raise. The are $ 1.10, or almost twelve percent more than today. The Commission, three representatives of the employers associations and the trade unions belong to the.

Dietrich Creutzburg

economic correspondent in Berlin.

F. A. Z.

In a first step the minimum wage to 1 to. January 2021, and by 15 cents to 9.50 Euro to rise, so the according to the communication from the Commission unanimous decision. In the run-up of individual Economists, employers ‘ representatives and Union politicians want “Corona-zero round” is not provided in order.

However, the increase remains initially below the value of the minimum wage, with the usual orientation to General wage increases would have been achieved. Based on the official wage data that would have been this time, an increase to 9,82 euros at 1. January 2021 yield, this value would then have been applicable until the end of 2022. Now, the minimum wage for 1. January 2022 9,82 Euro to rise, before he reached six months later, the 10,45 Euro.