At the height of the Corona-crisis, there has been in this country in addition to the fear that the state will lose control over the disease, a second worry: The Germans could again fall into those that are in authority-of-hearing, which had led them so often into trouble. After the Orgy of Violence of Stuttgart there was no more talk of German Duckmäuserei. In the baden-württemberg capital, a pretty fearless Mob attacked the government in a targeted manner. He joined the rights of the police officers, but also of uninvolved citizens and shop owners literally with the feet.

still puzzled about how it could come to this violent outburst, seemingly out of the Swabian Nothing. And who struck right there actually. Not all of the previous findings are all welcome, especially not the evidence of a relatively high share of Migrants among the thugs and looters. Other explanations were at Hand. Youth is always rebellious? The “event scene” is not just drank too much and smoked pot? Or the police was not prepared simply, once again, good enough, although in the social media for hounding you blown had been?

the results of the investigations of sociologists and criminologists it will be interesting. What also led to the anarchy in the minds and in the Stuttgart city centre: A respect for the law and its representatives was in the “Partywut” (the police chief) is not recognizable. This fits in a well-known image: The police has been complaining about the fact that you enjoy a particularly in younger people have very little respect. Also firefighters and even paramedics are now being attacked physically.