After the knife attack in a Hotel in Glasgow, Scotland, the police has identified the perpetrator. It was a 28-year-old man from Sudan, police said. The man had been injured in the attack on Friday six people had been shot and killed by police officers. The authorities were the object of a terrorist attack.

The perpetrator, who lived in the accommodation for asylum seekers used in the Hotel, apparently had psychological problems. The British news broadcaster Sky News reported on Sunday, citing a friend of the Sudanese people. He had suffered under the terms of the accommodation, the well-Known. The family of the killed attacker was shocked by the events and wish the injured a speedy recovery.

The police in Scotland announced to investigate the exact circumstances of the incident continue. As in the UK, is common, should also be the use of firearms by the police, an independent review. Speculation be until the conclusion of the investigation is not appropriate, – stated in the message.

Before the knife attack, it should already be warnings to the offender have given. The British news channel Sky News and the “the Guardian reported, among other things,” on Saturday, citing unnamed sources. Therefore, I contacted a social worker for evidence of other residents of the hotel on Thursday to the staff there. The BBC also reported that the perpetrator had announced the attack.