What is actually New from Meghan and Harry? Oh, so much. You move to New York, white “image”: “they hope to be able to free move. In addition, a flight from there in Harrys native England would be shorter.“ You have to go “back to England”, says “Echo of the woman” because her son Archie “was seriously ill” (“Echo of the woman” diagnosed: Archie squints). Meghan was like “The new leaf” insured “during the divorce lawyer”. And you spent how “Gala” reported, with Harry the “summer of your life” and plan a movie with Brad Pitt. Quite a lot going on, you may say.

Jörg Thomann

editor in the Department “life,” the Frankfurt General Sunday newspaper.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Very perfectly, do not need to self-admit “Gala”, it runs at the two, of course, still. In the case of their own son named non-profit organization, arch corrugated, for example, which will now only start next year: “Just been known that there are problems with the approval of the brand – the purpose of the organization appears in the U.S. patent office is still too vague.” Too vague? Since we may be able to help: arch corrugated to radiation be an organization that something does Good, and its founders are regularly opportunity, to pretty photos, in order to maintain market value and to Finance so your not quite unaufwendiges life. Specifically, enough so?

He is his biggest Fan

After all, the networking is well under way: “How “Gala” of an Insider from the film business, has Meghan found a different, very personal way to enter new contacts: you calls.” Thunder weather, which really is washed with all waters. Maybe she puts in a second step, even a phone book.

A method to preserve his Image, cares for Arnold Schwarzenegger. “He is his biggest Fan,” writes “Echo of the woman”, and prints a photo on the Schwarzenegger by the Los Angeles bike and wears a T-Shirt of himself – to a far younger, yet slightly muscular Seren years. A quick Search on the net reveals that Schwarzenegger is doing this on a regular basis, in exchange for T-Shirts: He must have a whole collection of Arnie Fanshirts. A tongue-in-cheek, bowing in front of the own career, but also quite tricky, it loads but the Before-and-after comparison. This is precisely why we are now considering whether we should also print a youth image on a T-Shirt to prove that we had once actually hair, even for a long time. Delightful is also a collection for many years of the spouse, which could demonstrate to the world with an old portrait of each other would be: He or she was used to be not so bad.

a noise in the case of Bettina Wulff and her boyfriend

another Present Colorful setting us up “” to the heart. “When was the last Time you said from the heart ‘Thank you’?”, she asks us: “It is often difficult to find the appropriate words of thanks. But now you can let the Ring speak for themselves: the ‘Thank you for’Ring by Wellendorff” that constituted a “thanks for eternity”. A proud page with five photos Colorful” this Ring, which cost a mere sum of “approximately 12.600 €” dedicated “; as thanks to wants to be measured. Especially since there are add-on material: “Delicate stack rings with meaning clarify – these rings, what would you like to say (from 4999 €).” If it is done properly had to the company Wellendorff, with at least one such catches ring in “Colorful” for the nice reporting, thank you.

A very different product range has an actress in the offer. “The candle, as the scent of your Vagina, was sold out as quick as a flash,” writes “Gala”. “Now, Gwyneth Paltrow, 47 presents, their new creation ,The smells of my orgasm’-inscription.” Especially for men in stable relationships, a not entirely irrelevant Information is hidden here: If what we are talking about here, makes actually a smell, then it should be quite easy to detect if it’s fake. Tasteless? Possibly. Perhaps, but not quite as tasteless as the new ice cream Flavor from Ben & Jerry’s called “Netflix & Chilll’d”. What may taste a Netflix-ice cream: after insomnia, and poor lüftetem the living room? And when the potato chips-flavor “kilo frustration & bad Conscience” comes from?