In the United States, the number of within a day of newly reported Coronavirus climbed a stand-infections, according to media reports, a new high. For Friday, local authorities reported more than 45,000 confirmed new infections, such as the New York Times reported on Saturday. The Covid-project of the magazine “Atlantic” was one of about 44 400 positive test results – which would still be a record. The numerator of the “Washington Post”, in turn, registered 45.755 infections. The official data from the health authority CDC for Friday will only be given with delay.

especially in southern States such as Florida, Texas and California, the number of new infections is within a few days, increased considerably. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo offered to other Federal assistance to States. “We will forget this mercy never and we’ll give you in every possible way,” he said on Friday, and recalled the assistance of other States, as the New York-based health system in the Coronavirus pandemic was overloaded. Specifically, he offered Arizona, Texas and Florida, medical equipment and other support.

In the United States, there is the data of the Johns Hopkins University, according to meanwhile, almost 2.5 million known infections with the Virus of Sars-CoV-2. More than 125,000 people have died after infection with the Virus. The previous peak of new infections was the CDC, according to the 6. April, with around 43,000 cases have been reached. The day was a Monday, so the day also infections of the weekend followed reports had been, what should have led to a significantly higher total number.