The European Commission has to live with the fact that most people first connect with the adjective “bureaucratic”. But this Saturday, the President Ursula von der Leyen in whole new dimensions of trust. With Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, Shakira, Coldplay and other artists on the stage – at least virtually. The Commission is Mitgas co-hosting one of the group’s “Global Citizen” organized a concert, which is broadcast live around the world, in the Internet and TV channels, in Germany on ARD One (20.15 – 21.45). It comes to promote the “development and equitable distribution of a vaccine against Covid-19”. Celebrities will accompany the with personal messages, among them, the actor Diane Kruger and Forest Whitaker, as well as the former football player David Beckham are.

Thomas Gutschker

Political correspondent for the European Union, Nato and the Benelux countries, based in Brussels.

F. A. Z.

So much Glamour there’s never been in connection with the Brussels authority. While you can imagine Jean-Claude Juncker difficult in this society, was his successor to immediately fire and flame for the project. Von der Leyen will have on your appearance, a spokeswoman said, even if you could promise no singing. In March, the President of the Commission had proposed to the heads of state and government of the G20, a global Initiative to develop a vaccine.

the beginning of may, a donors ‘ conference under your leadership, then collected 7.4 billion euros for the project. In the meantime, are the result of almost ten billion, and on Saturday further donations are expected. Before the concert, another donors ‘ conference is to be held. There will be report, among other things, Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron, and the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, with video messages and new Promises to word. Also, this event is transferred to Youtube.